Sherry White
Writer. Director.
Thinker. Dreamer.

I tell stories as a way to connect to others. If I can let down my guard and relay a raw truth, perhaps you’ll let down your guard as well and, for that moment, I will see you. If I can incapsulate life in a beautiful metaphor that makes you pause, makes you smile, perhaps you’ll see me.

In the stories I tell, my characters are searching: for love, for answers, a reprieve from the difficulties of life. They are always wanting. Outside longing to be in, or inside, longing to be out. People whose fear of getting hurt is standing in their way of true connection.

My writing is often somewhat autobiographical; exploring my own fears of being hurt, trying to understand how to connect to others without losing myself. Taking my truth and using it to breathe life into someone else. I try to use humour, confessions, apologies, and explanations; I aspire to capture something that is undeniably true yet rarely uttered.

Whether I’m hired to write on someone else’s TV series or I’m writing something for myself, I want the writing to hit on something primal. I want to keep searching for the simplest way to say the most complicated thing. I aspire to inspire, to make you laugh, to make you gasp. To feel something.

Because even if we’ve never met, I want you to know me. I want to be known.

I believe in intuitive writing, but I equally believe in mastering the craft. I never start writing without taking the time to daydream on the idea first. Laying on my bed, soaking in the tub, or walking in the woods, I let my mind wander on the subject until I feel a stir. An emotion, as it wakes up inside me. Then, and only then, the rigorous process of articulation begins.

And in the process of sharing, I sometimes overshare. Hence, Over-sherry.